‘Reinventing You’ by Dorie Clark
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted economies around the world and many of us find ourselves out of work, whether temporarily or not. The upheaval and uncertainty have created an opportunity to evaluate where you are professionally and where you’d like to go next.
Dorie Clark is a branding expert. With this book she provides practical guidance in assessing your strengths, developing a personal brand and determining the next contribution you want to make.
- Nail down your
starting point
- Tap your network for a 360 review
- Arrange a focus group
- Review your
online presence -what is it saying about you?
- Make sure to google yourself
- Pick out patterns in past performance (job reviews)
- Research your
- Make a list of
people you know who do interesting things
- Take a breather
- Research industries and jobs that interest you
- Find relevant books and read them
- Setup
informational interviews
- Be clear about why you’re asking to talk
- Be organized with questions
- Ask for more names of others to talk to
- Keep the connection open
- Follow-up
- Make a list of
people you know who do interesting things
- Test drive your
- Apprentice
- Volunteer
- Job shadow
- Develop Skill
You Need
- Push the boundaries of current job by asking for additional assignments
- Create a side gig
- Go back to school part time or full time
- Find a mentor or
create a personal board of directors
- Accountability will move you forward
- Develop your own curriculum
- Give back where you can – post positive feedback for example
- Leverage your
points of difference
- Identify what you have that others don’t
- Build your list of transferable skills
- Build your
- Explain where you’ve been and what you bring
- You can’t be who you aren’t
- Believe in yourself
- Reintroduce
- Send the right
- Social media/website
- Voicemail message
- wardrobe
- Shift your behaviour, create a new network
- Ask others who know you to validate your skills on your social media
- Build your portfolio
- Send the right
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