Let’s get creative!

 In Business Coaching, Business Life Cycles, Business Protocol, CEO's, Emotional Intelligence, entreprenuers, Leadership, Ontario Executive Consulting, Uncategorized

Lately I’ve been feeling exhausted just keeping up with the daily grind of my business. Niggling in the back of my mind is the knowledge that successful businesses require creativity to move forward. Moreover, creativity and ‘thinking outside the box’ requires time and quiet reflection. The problem is, how do you carve time out of your busy schedule and all the daily demands of business to prioritize quiet reflection?

Here are some suggestions to ponder:
1. Identify your best time to think.
2. Get the time prioritized in your schedule so other things won’t crowd it out.
3. Find a place to think that inspires you, that is private and where you won’t be interrupted.
4. Practice relaxation breathing to get started so you can centre yourself, lower your heart rate and lower your stress level. High levels of emotion impede rational thinking and creativity.
5. Quiet your mind and allow yourself to be present and ‘in the moment.’
6. Open yourself and your mind to think and entertain new ideas.

The daily grind keeps us focused on the tasks that need to get done to maintain the status quo in our business. Taking time for quiet reflection will help keep us centered and open to new and creative ideas. By practicing this discipline, not only will we be able to keep up with the daily operations of our business, we can look ahead and think about creative ways to take our business to the next level.

Let’s get creative!

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