How to spot a Star Performer

 In Business Coaching, Business Life Cycles, Business Protocol, CEO's, Leadership, Ontario Executive Consulting, Team Building, Uncategorized

Looking for ‘good people?’ You are not alone! The number one challenge businesses face these days is how to attract quality people that want to work hard, and keep them. In this series of blogs I want to outline the key elements to “What makes a Star Performer.” That way, you can spot one when you see one and snatch them up before anyone else 🙂 And, just so you don’t think I’m just making this stuff up, these principles are based on premiere assessment tools, research, and my own experience working with top executives and business owners over the past fourteen years. So, here we go….

The first characteristic you want to look for is, Leadership. I’m defining leadership as a person’s comfort level with status and authourity. What you will see is a person who is comfortable making decisions, creating and communicating vision and having the confidence to speak about their opinions and ideas with clarity and conviction. As a result, they are persuasive and attract other people to get on board with the vision they are espousing. Leaders have followers! Do you wonder if you are a leader? How many people do you have following you?

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